
December 2022

extra movies this month because my dad's amazon prime account was expiring so we took the opportunity to clear out our watchlist a little bit.

Sound of metal (2019), coming 2 america (2021), the sound of 007, Catherine called birdy, uncorked (2020), legends of the fall (1994), the falls (2021), notting hill (1999)

taste - Banchan Is Everything
historynet - How did NORAD Start Tracking Santa
atlas obscura - The ‘Perpetual Broths’ That Simmer For Decades
euronews - It's official: France bans short haul domestic flights in favour of train travel
the guardian - ‘China’s hottest woman’: the driving force behind crunchy chilli sensation Lao Gan Ma
msn - Millions of people have been watching TikToks of a man kicking a rock down the street every day, and here's why

newsweek - Colorado Schools Issuing Buckets, Kitty Litter For Students to Go to the Bathroom During Lockdowns, School Shootings

the guardian - South Korea has almost zero food waste. Here’s what the US can learn
"In 1996, South Korea recycled just 2.6% of its food waste. Today, South Korea recycles close to 100% annually."
"In the United States, where most food waste still ends up in landfills – the third largest source of methane in the country"

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