
december 2010

bill bryson - a short history of nearly everything [28-8]
best american short stories of 2008 [6-18]
jeffrey moussaieff masson, ausan mccarthy - when elephants weep [11-21]
robert l. wolke - what einstein told his cook: kitchen science explained [22-16]

i'm sure i watched others, but...
tron (1982, )tron (2010) [18]


possible to read?

more yes-
mary roach - bonk
michael pollan - botany of desire
jonathan bloom - american wasteland
oliver sacks - the man who mistook his wife for a hat
Matt Ridley - "the red queen"
Michael Shermer - "why people believe weird things"
jeremy butterfield - damp squid
rob gifford - china road
david gilmore - the film club

maybes -
Jonah Lehrer - how we decide
Paul Hoffman - The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
Simon Singh - Fermat's Enigma (the solution of Fermat's Last Theorem)
Berton Roueche - The Medical Detectives (epidemiology)
Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
E. O. Wilson - On Human Nature (Darwinian models to societal systems)
Carolyn de la Pena - Empty Pleasures
the zurau aphorisms of franz kafka
Frederick Kaufman - A Short History of the American Stomach
Robb Walsh - Sex, Death & Oysters
Andrew Coe - Chop Suey

Dirk Wittenborn - parmakon
cynthia ozick - virility
Manny Howard - My empire of dirt

november 2010

best american essays of 2004 [27-9]
richard p. feynman - the pleasure of finding things out [22-12]
aj jacobs - the year of living biblically [9-15]
jennifer ackerman - sex, sleep, eat, drink, dream [16-25]
jennifer niven - ada blackjack [20-27]
bill bryson - a short history of nearly everything [28-]


october 2010

matthew chapman - trials of the monkey: an accidental memoir [24-8]
best american short stories of 2001 [8-12]
clair messud - the emperor's children [12-16]
heinrich harrer - seven years in tibet [17-21]
richard p. feynman - the pleasure of finding things out [22-]
ruth reichl - garlic and sapphires [24-26]
best american essays of 2004 [27-]


september 2010

tracy kidder - mountains beyond mountains [25-2]
augusten burroughs - wolf at the table [2-3]
j maarten troost - getting stoned with savages [3-8]
mary roach - spook [7-12]
best ameican non-required reading 2002 [10-14]
simone de beauvoir - a very easy death [14-16]
matthew chapman - trials of the monkey [24-]
best american travel writing of 2004 [15-29]


august 2010

bill buford - heat [4-12]
mark caldwell - a short history of rudeness [18-14]
kim edwards - the memory keeper's daughter [14-16]
abigail thomas - a three dog life [16-17]
chris stewart - driving over lemons [17-22]
karol griffin - skin deep [20-23]
augusten burroughs - possible side effects [23-25]
tracy kidder - mountains beyond mountains [25-]


july 2010

galt niederhoffer - taxonomy of barnacles [28-1]
milan kundera - slowness [1-6]
katherine c. grier - pets in america [5-]
ann packer - the dive from clausen's pier [15-21]
mark caldwell - a short history of rudeness [18-]
augusten burroughs - magical thinking [26-30]


june 2010

bill bryson - the mother tongue [1-25]
holly bishop - robbing the bees [8-22]
alexander trocchi - helen and desire [26-27]
galt niederhoffer - taxonomy of barnacles [28-]


may 2010

aa gill - previous convictions [1-5]
elizabeth gilbert - eat, pray, love [7-25]
chitra banerjee divakaruni - arranged marriage [25-26]
nora okja keller - comfort woman [28-29]


april 2010

bill bryson - notes from a small island [-13]
don delillo - white noise [-18]
matthew klan - sam the cat [19-20]
barry glassner - the culture of fear [19-]
huck thomspon - smile when you're lying[22-30]


march 2010

bob madgic - shattered air [1-6]
peter mayle acquired tastes [7-14]
bernhard schlink - the reader [13-15] (again)
new york look book [15-16]
bill bryson - notes from a small island [-]
don delillo - white noise [-]


february 2010

steve ettlinger - twinkie, deconstructed [?-10]
janwillem van de wetering - the empty mirror [?-11]
anne kreamer - going gray [?-28]
benjamin wallace - billionaire's vinegar [20-26]
william p. young - the shack [24-28]


january 2010

siri hustvedt - plea for ethos
steve ettlinger - twinkie, deconstructed [?-]
anne kreamer - going gray [?-]