
march 2021

a river below (2017), fish meat (2012), raising shrimp (2013), miss representation (2011), anthropocene (2018), yiyi (2000), the last blockbuster (2020), audrey: more than an icon (2020), da 5 bloods (2020)

Vox - Performing to an empty Times Square
Narratively - The Man With the Golden Airline Ticket
Politico - A Harriet Tubman $20? That’s Just the Beginning
Reasons to Be Cheerful - We Can Eliminate Child Poverty
EcoCult - Is Leather Truly a Byproduct of the Meat Industry?
NYT - The Vaccine Had to Be Used. He Used It. He Was Fired.
NPR - Are We Raising Unhelpful, Bossy Kids? Here's The Fix
Scientific American - Trans Girls Belong on Girls’ Sports Teams
Harper's Bazaar - The Virus, the Vaccine, and the Dark Side of Wellness
MIT News - New study shows rich, poor have huge mortality gap in U.S.
Marketplace - Why rich people tend to think they deserve their money
LA Times - L.A. restaurants struggle with a new form of dine-and-dash
Teen Vogue - We Need to Talk About Digital Blackface in Reaction GIFs
BBC - Covid: From boom to bust - why lockdown hasn't led to more babies
Nat Geo - Remembering the night two atomic bombs fell—on North Carolina
Tax Policy Center - Who Gets the Tax Benefit For Those Checkout Donations?
NYT - The U.S. Is Sitting on Tens of Millions of Vaccine Doses the World Needs
Scientific American - Killings by Police Declined after Black Lives Matter Protests
Al Jazeera - 2020 marked 15th straight year of declining world freedom: Report
Life Hacker - Why You Should Never 'Unsubscribe' From Illicit Spam Emails and Texts
SF Gate - The bizarre tale of the world's last lost tourist, who thought Maine was San Francisco
Winston-Salem Journal - North Carolina sends 6-year-olds to court. Why some say it's time for change.
Upworthy - A scorching hot take on why younger people say 'no problem' instead of 'you're welcome.'
Huff Post - ‘I Miss My Mom’: Children Of QAnon Believers Are Desperately Trying To Deradicalize Their Own Parents
ProPublica - Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years
The Globe and Mail - Is your butter not as soft as it used to be? The pandemic and our urge to bake is partly to blame – along with palm oil
News Medical - 50% of men struggle to identify a woman’s vagina correctly on a diagram: Survey

The Guardian - A $15 minimum wage isn't just about justice. It's good economics
CNBC - Walmart and McDonald’s are among top employers of Medicaid and food stamp beneficiaries, report says

Sky News - Human penises are shrinking because of pollution, warns scientist
"Dr Swan believes that the rapidly decreasing fertility rate means that most men will be unable to produce viable sperm by 2045."

U.S. leads among countries that spend the most on public health care
Public Citizen - Analysis: How For-Profit Health Care Worsened the Pandemic
"About one-third of COVID-19 deaths and 40% of infections were tied to a lack of insurance"

Vogue - What Happens When One Partner Is Vaccinated and the Other Isn’t?
wow, I barely related to this article at all. maybe it's cause j got vaccinated because of his hospital job where he was closely interacting with dozens of covid patients each night, but I was not envious in the slightest, just very relieved. I suppose I'm holding him back from some things, but his parents aren't fully vaccinated yet, and la restrictions are pretty tight anyway so I don't feel like we're missing out on much. and certainly not due to me. 

The Atlantic - There’s No Real Reason to Eat 3 Meals a Day
I have NEVER understood why some people (my mom) insist on eating 3 meals a day, even on weekends when we slept in until like 10am. breakfast at 10:30am, lunch at 12:30pm, dinner at 6:30pm? ludicrous. eat when you're hungry. obviously.

Nation World - 125 people got $500 per month free for 2 years. Here's what happened.
I'm very intrigued by UBI, tho I wonder if it would have the same results if 1. people thought the payments would go on forever and 2. everyone got it. if you think the payments will stop, might you be more careful with it now? also if you're one of the lucky few that get it, will you try hard to maximize your windfall? something tells me no. i can't help but think of that stat online that 70% of lottery winners eventually go broke (here's a related article)

NYT - Major Evangelical Adoption Agency Will Now Serve Gay Parents Nationwide
"...more than 20 percent of same-sex couples with children have an adopted child, compared to 3 percent of straight couples, according to a 2016 report... Gay couples are also significantly likelier to have a foster child."

The Hill - Warren's wealth tax would cost 100 richest Americans $78 billion
how do only 100 people have $78 billion to SPARE? like, this isn't their total wealth, this is just what they would pay in taxes!

FiveThirthEight - Why So Many Men Stuck With Trump In 2020
"...men who identified as completely masculine on the survey agreed that the Trump administration has a strategy on COVID-19 — setting them apart from all other men and women. (Compared with other respondents, completely masculine men were also much more evenly split on the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic, more likely to believe that wearing a mask was more about being politically correct than about preventing the spread of COVID-19, and more likely to oppose a national mask mandate.)"
"One analysis even found that men who were considered more sexist were more likely to report having contracted the virus."