
october 2020

j started working 3rd shift this month so I have a lot of quiet time. also, our tv broke and we didn't get one for a few days so I continued to clear out my inbox as a result. 

Buzzfeed - The Era Of Influencers Being Apolitical Online Is Over
ProPublica - California Will Keep Burning. But Housing Policy Is Making It Worse.
LA Times - Largest study of COVID-19 transmission highlights essential role of super-spreaders
Pew Research Center - Many Americans Get News on YouTube, Where News Organizations and Independent Producers Thrive Side by Side
Washington Post - For the first time in history, US billionaires paid a lower tax rate than the working class last year
Wall Street Journal - Americans Want Homes, but There Have Rarely Been Fewer for Sale.
The Guardian - World's richest 1% cause double CO2 emissions of poorest 50%, says Oxfam.
Axios - Democrats' Armageddon option
New York Magazine - Many GOP Voters Value America’s Whiteness More Than Its Democracy
Food 52 - The 2,000-Year-Old History of Vending Machines
The Guardian - Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners
BBC - What would happen if the world suddenly went vegetarian?
Business Insider - A searing new report claims opioid drugmakers spent 8 times as much as the NRA on lobbying
Vox - The hidden war over grocery shelf space
Wall Street Journal - Parents Don’t Want to Name Their Kids Mike Anymore
The Atlantic - Americans’ Bizarre Relationship With the Color of Their Food
FiveThirtyEight - We Asked 8,500 Internet Commenters Why They Do What They Do
The Guardian - The rise and fall of French cuisine
The Ringer - Will Write for Food
NPR - Your Name Might Shape Your Face, Researchers Say
Vox - Study: half of the studies you read about in the news are wrong
Popular Science - We need more 'body farms' to figure out how corpses rot
The Atlantic - Dude, She’s (Exactly 25 Percent) Out of Your League
NBC - How women in poverty are supplying America’s market for hair
Daily Beast - When The One Percent Sent Its Kids to War
The Verge - The Photography of Tump's Presidency is a Huge Break from Obama's
The Guardian - How we made the typeface Comic Sans
NYT - Men Don’t Want to Be Nurses. Their Wives Agree.
The Atlantic - The Paradox of American Restaurants
NPR - Dr. Marijuana Pepsi Won't Change Her Name 'To Make Other People Happy'
The Guardian - Why do we think poor people are poor because of their own bad choices?
Fast Company - Free shipping is quietly changing the design of your favorite products
The Verge - Road Tripping with Amazon Nomads
NY Mag - Seniors Are More Conservative Because the Poor Don’t Survive to Become Seniors
Racked - It Costs $2.50 to Make Lipstick — Here’s Why You’re Charged So Much More
Vice - The Weird Science Behind Chain Restaurant Menus
The Atlantic  - Disposable America
Jezebel - The Strange, Sad Story of the Ken Doll's Crotch
The Thillist - How Ferrero Rocher Became a Status Symbol for Immigrant Families
The Guardian - Naomi Klein: how power profits from disaster
Bloomberg City Lab - Take a Seat: 5 Brilliant Bus Stop Fixes
The Outline - You can’t just put homeless people in tiny houses
Nautilus - Why Revolutionaries Love Spicy Food
Mental Floss - Meet the Two Women Who Give Prescription Drugs Their Generic Names
Medium - Bug Breeders Are Cultivating Waste-Guzzling Flies to Gobble Up America's Trash
Refinery 29 - We Are Now The United States Of GoFundMe
The Atlantic - The Little College Where Tuition Is Free and Every Student Is Given a Job
NBC - Want to go to the movies? There's an airplane for that
The New Republic - The Fight for the Right to Be Cremated by Water
Longreads - The Ugly History of Beautiful Things: Perfume
Bloomberg CityLab - How School Districts Seal Their Students Into Poverty
Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Is bad truly stronger than good?
The Guardian - The fatal, hateful rise of choking during sex
Telegraph UK - When daylight kills
NYT - How a Brand Name Becomes Generic
Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Do women and men have different moral values?
The Atlantic - What George W Bush Plans to Do About Trump
Elle - Senator Gary Peters Shares His Abortion Story
World ABC News - A B.C. research project gave homeless people $7,500 each — the results were ‘beautifully surprising’
Fast Company - A hospital introduced a robot to help nurses. They didn’t expect it to be so popular
The Guardian - 'This guy doesn't know anything': the inside story of Trump's shambolic transition team.
Medium - Turns Out Immigrant Parents Were Right About Everything
Miami New Times - Woman Who Likes Trump's Smile: "I Wish He Would Smile More and Talk Less"
BBC - How modern life is transforming the human skeleton
ART News - The Surprising Power of Color to Ease Quarantine Anxiety
Axios - New culture war: The meaning of white privilege
History - How an Accidental Invention Changed What Americans Eat for Breakfast

NYT - Study Finds ‘Single Largest Driver’ of Coronavirus Misinformation: Trump
USA Today - Rigged: Forced into debt. Worked past exhaustion. Left with nothing.
NYT - Blue Cities Want to Make Their Own Rules. Red States Won’t Let Them
The Guardian - The trouble with charitable billionaires
NBC News - What if you call 911 and no one comes?
NBC News - Why are many of America's military families going hungry?
USA Today - America's parents want paid family leave and affordable child care. Why can't they get it?
LA Times - One is Chinese. One is American. How a journalist discovered and reunited identical twins (I watched this documentary! One Child Nation)

Vox - Extreme poverty is getting worse across the globe for the first time in decades
Axios - Study: 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty since May

FiveThirtyEight - Millennials Are Leaving Religion And Not Coming Back
Pacific Standard - Why Atheists Terrify Believers

The Atlantic - Every Culture Appropriates
appropriation is different from appreciation, tho sometimes they can be mixed. the banh mi example. there's nothing really about that that reflects an actual banh mi. it uses different ingredients, and uses them differently it's just a plain sandwich, not reflective of a banh mi at all. the prom dress is appreciative. she liked the dress, liked how she looked in it, awesome. had she put her hair up in a bun with chopsticks and carried a purse that looked like takeout box, no good. cause that's a fucking stereotype and not appreciative or respectful at all. 

Fast Company - Bananas have died out once before–don’t let it happen again
"...there is no genetic difference between them. Plantation bananas are sterile and produced via cloning; baby banana plants sprout from the base of adult banana plants, identicals in miniature of the adjacent giants they will soon become."

NYT - It’s Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex.
"A majority of women, and nearly half of men, say it’s unacceptable to have dinner or drinks alone with someone of the opposite sex other than their spouse."
I find these numbers so surprising! maybe it's part of living in a "big city" but these rules seem so antiquated. and i can't even imagine my life like this? so many of my interactions are one on one, with women and men. I think most of my outside meals are just between me an one other person. I think that other person (even outside joe) is usually a man! maybe it's cause i'm introverted also? and kind of of guy's girl? I can't get over this, lol. 

NPR - Ramen To The Rescue: How Instant Noodles Fight Global Hunger
NPR - 'Cup Noodles' Turns 45: A Closer Look At The Revolutionary Ramen Creation
"To serve its global customers, Nissin makes culturally specific adaptations, like different flavors for different national palates. Even the length of noodle changes... "Americans don't like to slurp their noodles. So they make the length of the noodles for the American version smaller so they don't have to suck it up.."

Tech Crunch - Writer Anand Giridharadas on tech’s billionaires: “Are they even on the same team as us?”
"I often say that the government at its best is like a lawyer for all of us. The government is like ‘Why don’t we check out these car seats for you and create some rules around them, and then you can just buy a car seat and not have to wonder whether it’s the kind that protects your child or crumbles?’ That’s what the government does for all kinds of things."

Slate - Is Lab-Grown Meat Really Meat?
"By 1900, it was illegal in 30 states to dye margarine yellow, and a handful of states went even further, dictating that margarine had to be dyed an unappetizing pink. Canada outright banned margarine until 1948."

Vox - Millennials have very little confidence in most major institutions
this article is from 2016, so I'm sure things have changed, but it's still crazy to see that millennials had the most trust in the fucking military. "post" covid, I have more trust in governors and mayors. certainly not in every state and city, but at least in mine.

BuzzFeed - When You’re Trans, Living With Your Parents Can Be Complicated
"Nationally, 40% of homeless youth are queer or trans."
"Last month, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development proposed that homeless shelters be allowed to deny access to trans people, overriding the 2012 Equal Access rule that bans discrimination in public housing, federally funded shelters, and federally backed mortgages on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status"

BBC - Is this the most powerful word in the English language?
"According to Culpeper, men say ‘the’ significantly more frequently. Deborah Tannen, an American linguist, has a hypothesis that men deal more in report and women more in rapport – this could explain why men use ‘the’ more often. Depending on context and background, in more traditional power structures, a woman may also have been socialised not to take the voice of authority so might use ‘the’ less frequently. Though any such gender-based generalisations also depend on the nature of the topic being studied. Those in higher status positions also use ‘the’ more – it can be a signal of their prestige and (self) importance."

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