less stress at work this month, so have the energy to actually "do" something at night. plus, I think I may now be less discriminating in choosing "notable articles."
the midnight sky (2020), judas and the black messiah (2020), dune
Simon Garfield - mauve: how one man invented a color that changed the world
Slate - Where’s My Lyme Vaccine?
The Hustle - The economics of dollar stores
Vox - The surprising downsides to planting trillions of trees
The Atlantic - Different Cultures Define Happiness Differently
The Nation - “Feel-Good” News Story or Poverty Propaganda?
EuroNews - Babies are full of microplastics, new research shows
Vox - America’s monopoly problem stretches far beyond Big Tech
AP - Colorado woman who won’t get vaccinated denied transplant
Vox - The very cute, totally disturbing tale of the American “it” dog
NYT - Why Do American Grocery Stores Still Have an Ethnic Aisle?
Wired - Religious Exemptions for Vaccine Mandates Shouldn't Exist
NYT - How Other Nations Pay for Child Care. The U.S. Is an Outlier.
The Atlantic - Why Are Americans Still—Still!—Wearing Cloth Masks?
NYT - White Tiger and Cheetah Furs: A Mess of Trump Gift Exchanges
America Magazine - Pope Francis’ 9 commandments for a just economy
Gastro Obscura - Picturing China’s Bamboo Chopstick Industry From the Sky
NYT - Moderna, Racing for Profits, Keeps Covid Vaccine Out of Reach of Poor
NYT - From ‘The Sopranos’ to ‘Star Trek,’ Pop-Culture Cookbooks Fuel Fandoms
NPR - Hospitals Have Started Posting Their Prices Online. Here's What They Reveal
New York Magazine - Will ‘the Great Wealth Transfer’ Trigger a Millennial Civil War?
Vice - ‘People Work 100 Days Straight’: Kellogg’s Workers Shut Down Cereal Factories
Teen Vogue - Documented Dreamers Lack the Protections DACA Offers Young Immigrants
The Nation Relying on Public-Private Partnerships Has Weakened America’s Pandemic Response
Eye on Design - Don’t Worry, These Gangly-armed Cartoons Are Here to Protect You From Big Tech
Slate - I Signed Up to Write College Essays for Rich Kids. I Found Cheating Is More Complicated Than I Thought.
Smithsonian - The Rules About How to Address the U.S. Flag Came About Because No One Wanted to Look Like a Nazi
The Conversation - Psychological ‘specialness spirals’ can make ordinary items feel like treasures – and may explain how clutter accumulates
Citizens United - Report: For 20 Top-Selling Drugs, Big Pharma Made Far More From U.S. Sales Than From the Rest of the World Combined
LA Times - California outlawed the all-white-male boardroom. That move is reshaping corporate America
"The European rules tend to be mostly gender-focused, as opposed to American targets that also aim to boost racial and ethnic diversity."
The Nation - Why Isn’t Steve Bannon in Jail? Ask the Democrats.
"If the Trump era has taught us one thing, however, it’s that being absolutely wrong about the law in every way is okay if nobody has the will to hold you accountable."
"Which is why Trump cronies threaten the government. They know there will be no consequences for their actions. I don’t think Bannon is refusing to testify because he’s “afraid” of Donald Trump, I think he’s refusing to testify because he’s not afraid of elected Democrats."
Time - The Unmaking of the White Christian Worldview
"Recent surveys by PRRI, an organization I lead, reveal disturbing realities among white evangelical Protestants today: 61% believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. And the idea of patriotism has taken a troubling turn: 68% believe Trump is a “true patriot,” and one in three believe that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” More than seven in ten deny that the history of slavery and discrimination in the U.S. has any bearing on economic inequalities between white and Black Americans today. White evangelicals are the religious group most likely to refuse COVID-19 vaccines and object to mask mandates. One in four are QAnon conspiracy believers."
"White evangelical Protestants—the once self-proclaimed “moral majority”—have fallen from nearly a quarter of Americans just over a decade ago to 14.5% of the public today."
"James Baldwin wrote, with anger and pity, about the Black experience of seeing white people as “the slightly mad victims of their own brainwashing.” He understood whites, and white Christians in particular, to be trapped in a kind of self-induced psychosis, stemming from the strain of sustaining a conception of themselves as repentant sinners while living lives of indifference and violence toward their fellow Black and brown citizens."