less reading this month since I stated a new job. "prepped" for a bit before that meeting up with old coworkers, and then sewed j a dozen plus scrub caps for like two weeks.
raya, el bulli: cooking in progress (2010), chef flynn (2018), tokyo rising (2020), another round (2020), soul (2020)
NYT - How the World Ran Out of Everything
The Atlantic - Emergency Medicine’s Original Sin
Bloomberg - What Happened to Pickup Trucks?
Wired - Inside Silicon Valley’s Mayo Marketing Madness
Scientific American - The American Obsession with Lawns
NYT - Send in the Bugs. The Michelangelos Need Cleaning.
NYT - Why Police Have Been Quitting in Droves in the Last Year
AP - Oxfam: 11 people die of hunger each minute around the globe
Discover Magazine - How Adding Iodine to Salt Boosted Americans' IQ
The Atlantic - An Archivist Sneezes on a Priceless Document. Then What?
Mcclean's - Have Guelph's delightful ‘fairy doors’ become a forest plague?
SF Gate - California exodus is just a myth, massive UC research project finds
LA Times - Trees give us life. These fake ones give us TikTok on our cellphones
19th News - 5 pads for 2 cellmates: Period inequity remains a problem in prisons
Vogue - Why Is the Fashion World Still Obsessed With This Olympian’s Sunglasses?
NYT - Jury Awards $125 Million After Walmart Fires Woman With Down Syndrome
LA Times - To vaccinate or not? For U.S. Olympic athletes, the debate creates division
Salon - How evangelicals abandoned Christianity — and became "conservatives" instead
San Francisco Chronicle - Mendocino is running out of water. The solution might involve a very old train
The Guardian - Mystery of the wheelie suitcase: how gender stereotypes held back the history of invention
Business Insider - Meet the typical Costco shopper, a 39-year-old Asian American woman earning more than $125,000 a year
Insider - Photos show China's most surreal tourist spot— a fake Instagram-worthy town full of pretend farmers and phony fishermen
The Washington Post - A trans woman reportedly undressed in a spa. Customers said they were ‘traumatized,’ and a protest ensued.
Pro Publica - State Attorneys General Push Federal Government to Follow the Law and Finally Create Side-Impact Tests for Kids’ Car Seats
National Farm Worker Ministry - Children in the Fields
The Atlantic - The Overlooked Children Working America's Tobacco Fields
terribly written but worth the read if only for the shock and disgust factor:
Vice - I’m a Parkland Shooting Survivor. QAnon Convinced My Dad It Was All a Hoax.