inside Bill's brain, one child nation, plastic China [2016], the crown season 3, inside the garbage of the world [2016]
read a lot this month since i was kind of snowed in in Tahoe with my parents for thanksgiving weekend.
Quartz - Until I was a man, I had no idea how good men had it at work
The Guardian - Should we stop keeping pets? Why more and more ethicists say yes
The Washington Post - This state requires company boards to include women. A new lawsuit says that’s unconstitutional.
The Guardian - How our home delivery habit reshaped the world
Buzzfeed - Her Amazon Purchases Are Real. The Reviews Are Fake.
Washington Post - When a deep red town’s only grocery closed, city hall opened its own store. Just don’t call it ‘socialism.’
Medium - Big Calculator: How Texas Instruments Monopolized Math Class
Popular Science - What would happen if Earth started to spin faster?
Bloomberg - Nine Secrets I Never Knew About Airports Until I Worked at LAX
The Atlantic - The Great American Eye-Exam Scam
Washington Post - Five Myths about America's Homeless
The Guardian - How Peru's potato museum could stave off world food crisis
Aeon - Think everyone died young in ancient societies? Think again
Mental Floss - 8 Psychological Tricks of Restaurant Menus
"The best menus account for the psychological theory known as the “paradox of choice,” which says that the more options we have, the more anxiety we feel. The golden number? Seven options per food category, tops (seven appetizers, seven entrees, etc.). “When we include over seven items, a guest will be overwhelmed and confused, and when they get confused they’ll typically default to an item they’ve had before..."
Grist - Why Detroit residents pushed back against tree-planting
"However, environmental justice is not just about the distribution of bad stuff, like pollution, or good stuff, like forestry projects across disadvantaged communities. It’s also about the distribution of power among communities that have historically only been the subjects and experiments of power structures."
The Lily - Have you been told not to keep score in your relationship? Here’s why that advice is sexist.
"Despite men taking on more household labor than ever before, there continues to be a litany of excuses for women doing more. Women aren’t always more nurturing or “better” at emotional invisible labor, and telling a woman, “You just have to ask me” still leaves the unseen burden on women to both identify what needs to be done and communicate the need to their partner, when men are perfectly capable of identifying and doing these tasks without being asked."
OneZero - Unraveling the Secret Supply Chain Behind an AmazonBasics Battery
"Amazon operates 75 fulfillment centers and 25 sortation centers across North America — a footprint so large that there’s an Amazon warehouse within 20 miles of half the U.S. population, according to Curbed."
"Amazon has only just begun to track its carbon footprint, a whopping 44.4 million metric tons in 2018, nearly equivalent to the output of Switzerland or Denmark."