
July 2019

death zone [2018]

CNN Business - America's addiction to absurdly fast shipping has a hidden cost
Wired - The Secret Life of the Aluminum Can, a Feat of Engineering
Nautilus - How Will Our Religions Handle the Discovery of Alien Life?
Ideas.Ted - Would you drink desalinated seawater? Recycled sewage water? Get ready to find out
Atlas Obscura - Toys Are Taking Vacations and Seeing the World (Without Their Owners)
The Atlantic - Americans Are Going Bankrupt From Getting Sick

Refinery 29 - This Is What Periods Look Like For Women Around The World
cow pats. women use COW PATS. wow. had no idea that stuff was liquid absorptive.

The Atlantic - Millennial Burnout Is Being Televised
"Which brings us back to the perfectionism study. Millennials, born during the Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton presidencies, are the first real babies spawned by neoliberalism and its overarching message of competitive individualism. Curran and Hill wanted to establish whether growing up amid these ideologies made Millennials more likely to be perfectionists, and therefore more likely to be depressed, anxious, unhappy, and dissatisfied with themselves."

"Even as they’re poorer, Millennials are more materialistic: 81 percent of Americans born during the 1980s say that accruing wealth is among their significant life goals, more than 20 percent higher than previous generations. As a national belief in the collective has given way to an emphasis on the individual, Millennials have had to become less inhibited about the pursuit of self-gain, and more shrewd about how they define themselves."

"Even as they’re poorer, Millennials are more materialistic: 81 percent of Americans born during the 1980s say that accruing wealth is among their significant life goals, more than 20 percent higher than previous generations. As a national belief in the collective has given way to an emphasis on the individual, Millennials have had to become less inhibited about the pursuit of self-gain, and more shrewd about how they define themselves."