three identical strangers [2018], i, tonya [2018], ocean's 8 [2018], knock down the house, john wick 3, the heat: a kitchen (r)evolution, losing sight of shore [2017]
Eater - Instagram Food Is a Sad, Sparkly Lie
South China Morning Post - History of pad Thai: how the stir-fried noodle dish was invented by the Thai government
Refinery 29 - Why The Asian-American Food Movement Complicates What We Think About Authenticity
Patheos - The ‘biblical view’ that’s younger than the Happy Meal [about abortion]
Atlas Obscura - ‘Botanical Sexism’ Could Be Behind Your Seasonal Allergies
Mental Floss - The Bizarre Story of Britain's Last Great Auk
Punch - Diagnosing the Tiki Psyche
“It all comes down to the punch formula,” says Berry, referencing the classic Planter’s Punch, a West Indies staple since the colonial era, the components of which are immortalized in a well-trod-out rhyme: one of sou r, two of sweet, three of strong and four of weak. Tiki takes this baseline recipe and fractures each requisite component into multiples of each. It is, as Berry concludes, “a Caribbean drink squared, or cubed.”
New York - How Many Bones Would You Break to Get Laid? “Incels” are going under the knife to reshape their faces, and their dating prospects.
women learn that if you can't get laid, it's your own fault. you're too fat, ugly, desperate, whatever. for men who can't get laid, it's also women's fault. they're too shallow, too much of a gold digger, too haughty, etc. all that being said. this stuff is sad.. incels are sad. whoever's fault, even no one's. it's sad they are so frustrated and are willing to go so far to try to get approval and validation from others.
Medium - Men Cause 100% of Unwanted Pregnancies